It’s possible that you’re reading this the night before the class Halloween party and you don’t have anything ready to pass out as a class treat.  I get you 100%!  With four children, class parties were often A LOT to process and prepare for.  (Or, you’re on the ball and are reading this 2 weeks before the party date!) Either way, this Mummy Applesauce Halloween Class Treat is a crowd pleaser and very easy to assemble!

Applesauce Halloween Class Treat

You will need a box (or two) of Applesauce pouches.  (We love the GoGo Squeez brand!) You’ll also need a roll of white medical tape (super cheap), some googly eyes, glue and a marker!  (Don’t forget to include a treat for your teacher! They love gifts, too!)

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Start by wrapping the cloth tape around the pouch of applesauce.  Since this tape is sticky, you won’t need tape or glue to adhere it to the pouch!  I like to cut the tape into long strips, then put the tape on the applesauce pouches at different angles, but you can certainly wrap the tape in a single direction.

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Side note: If you can’t find the “sticky” cloth tape, you can make this with strips of gauze just as easily! You’ll just need to glue the end pieces to the applesauce pouch, so allow drying time!

Next, you’ll add a smile and glue on the googly eyes.  The eyes can be any size and color.  (Keep in mind, a sharpie may bleed a little, so test it on a small strip of tape before the final product.)

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Mummy Applesauce Halloween Class Treat

• Apple Sauce Pouches
• White Medical Tape
• Googly Eyes
• Black Sharpie

1. Wrap the medical tape around each applesauce pouch.
2. Stick two googly eyes onto each pouch.
3. Draw on a mouth with the black sharpie.

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