When we moved to Texas 9 years ago, I had no idea what a bluebonnet was.  I would see these beautiful blue and violet wildflowers along the highway, but thought they were just that…. wildflowers. When a few friends shared their family pictures in iconic bluebonnet fields, I knew these flowers were much more than “any” wildflower, and began to pick up the special meaning they gave to Texans.  The next year, I was probably first in line to have my children’s picture taken in bluebonnet fields, too!

Bluebonnet is a name given to any number of blue-flowered species of the genus Lupinus predominantly found in southwestern United States and is collectively the state flower of Texas. The shape of the petals on the flower resembles the bonnet worn by pioneer women to shield them from the sun.

The month of April is the perfect time to find bluebonnets in North Texas, but sometimes they can be difficult to locate.  (I’m not talking about random side-of-the-road patches.  I’m talking about the breathtaking patches of bluebonnets we all long to see!)

bluebonnets 2

In Carrollton, you can visit the McInnish Park and Sports Complex to find thick bluebonnet fields among its 220 acres. (Plenty of parking available.)

You can also head to Gravley Park, to find fields of wildflowers over 13 acres. Different species of wildflowers can be found throughout late spring and early summer.   (Check hours of operation.)

In Plano, you’ll want to visit the Bluebonnet Trail, especially around Independence Parkway and Coit Road.

In Flower Mound, from High Road, park the car and head down Lake Trail on foot. A small field can be found within a short walk of Grapevine Lake.

In Cedar Hill, visit Cedar Hill State Park to see fields of bluebonnets in several areas throughout the 1,200 acres.  (There may be a park entrance fee.)

If you’re in Dallas, you can visit the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum for free guided bluebonnet tours on Saturdays from March 17 through June 2.  (Tours are about 40 minutes long and take you through the 14-acre park, with flourishing native grasses, tree-shaded lawns and wildflowers.) 

If you are in Ennis, or anywhere near there, make sure you visit the Ennis Bluebonnet Trails. In Ennis, you’ll drive more than 40 miles of mapped trails, and be in awe the entire time.  Take a look at this:

bluebonnets in north texas

I took this photo the first week of April 2018.  We were on our way back to Fort Worth from Houston and decided to take a short detour from our route.  I will make this an annual visit because it was absolutely beautiful!  They even have a Bluebonnet Festival from April 20-22.  

In Fort Worth, you can visit the Botanical Research Institute of Texas to see bluebonnet clusters and other wildflowers throughout the campus. 

In Garland, you’ll want to visit Hayes Park at Rosehill to find large, thick wildflower fields. 


 Bluebonnet Photo Tips:

  • Stay on the path of trampled-on wildflowers.  Don’t mash more flowers than needed.
  • Bluebonnets are the State Flower of Texas.  It’s discouraged to pick these flowers.
  • Be aware of ant mounds and rattlesnakes.
  • Be mindful of “no trespassing” signs.  You don’t want to pay a fine for being on private property.
  • Take your photographs when the sun is rising or before it sets.  I like to take pictures around 6-7 pm to avoid shadows and the bright sun in your face.




  1. I went to two of these locations per your recommendation and neither had ANY flowers. VERY bummed.

    • Dawn Monroe Reply

      Where did you go, and when? I heard the crops were not as plentiful this year.

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