With the nation being quarantined because of Coronavirus, many schools have been canceled for the time being. Our district is out for three weeks, and even that date can change in the future. Moms on social media are already starting to look for things to do with their children, all while staying indoors to avoid the spread of germs. I get you, Mom. (and Dad, too!) And if you’re set for now, in weeks to come, parents will need a ten minute break… something to get their children off of electronics and out of their hair at the same time.
Again, I get you. We’re in this together, and this list of free activities to do at home will help all of us stay away from germs, have some fun and survive the next few weeks:
- work on a puzzle
- make homemade greeting cards (donate to a senior citizen home later?)
- draw a maze for Mom and Dad to solve after dinner
- play cards
- decorate Easter eggs and hang them around the house
- draw your own comic book
- have a paper airplane flying contest
- play tic tac toe with a roll of tape and a few toys
- match socks
- play school
- create a menu, take everyone’s orders and play “restaurant”
- have a movie night
- blow bubbles in the house
- clean out backpacks (this is a great time to wash them, too!)
- see who can put on 5 shirts the fastest
- clean out the pantry
- write a letter or draw a picture to mail to grandparents
- put on swimsuits and clean the bathtub
- go outside
- build a fort in the living room
20 Free Activities To Do At Home With Your Child