- One can of crescent rolls (this will make 8 Resurrection Rolls)
- 8 large marshmallows
- Melted butter (in a shallow bowl)
- Cinnamon sugar (placed on a small plate)
You will also need a little knowledge of the Easter story to tell as you make this treat.
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. (At this time, you can lightly spray your pan with cooking spray, if necessary.)
2. Unroll the crescent rolls, explaining to children that this is like the cloth Jesus was wrapped in.
3. Take out the 8 marshmallows and explain that these represent Jesus because he, too, was all white and pure, without sin.
4. Roll the marshmallows in the melted butter, then roll in the cinnamon sugar. Explain to your children that Jesus may have been dirty from the day’s events. I’ve also read this could represent the spices used to prepare his body for burial.
5. Wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll, pinching the dough together securely at all ends. This represents how they wrapped Jesus’ body.
6. Put the rolls in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.
At this time, we “forgot” about the rolls. I turned the oven off and didn’t take them out until my children questioned them or we were ready to continue the story.
When the rolls have cooled, re-cap the story and talk about the resurrection. Cut a roll open to see Jesus has risen and your “tombs” are now empty!
This is definitely going to become a new Easter tradition for my family! My children had fun re-telling the story of Jesus as we celebrated Easter!
We just made these – great project to end the night!
Easter is one of my favourite holidays! I know nobody likes talking about religion, I do too, but especially for me Easter is the holiday that gives an internal feeling of harmony and appeasement. It’s also a good reason to gather together with our families, and to bake and eat cinnamon pastries, mmm! I love cinnamon and can’t imagine my life without that spice. I add it everywhere: to coffee, to meat dishes… to that perfect rolls 🙂 I will definitely keep that recipe, thank you so much!