Have you heard about rock painting?  It’s a fun, positive way to spread happiness and joy in your community, and my children love it!  The concept? It’s a hide and seek, random hiding game of beautifully painted rocks.

Some rocks we’ve found had amazing art painted on them.  Others contained beautiful messages like “love”, “you’re beautiful” or “never give up”… words adults young and old need to hear.  Finding a hidden rock always makes you smile and gives the receiver that warm fuzzy feeling he/she longs for.

memorial day burleson

We’ve also painted rocks, then later hid them around town.  I’ll admit, this gives that warm fuzzy feeling, too.  Especially when you leave it in a child-friendly area and know a child’s day will be made when he finds it!

(Large, smooth rocks to paint can be purchased at Home Depot, Lowes or your neighborhood rock supply.  If you can’t find them there, Amazon has a nice selection, too.  Make sure you seal your rock after it’s painted, which prevents the paint from chipping.)   


In our area, there is a local facebook group where members post clues to their latest rock hide.  Over the summer, I remember hurrying to the car, with hopes of being the first to find some of our favorites!  It’s serious fun, a great way to get outside, and you never know what you’ll end up with!  (*To find your local group, search “your city” Rocks and see what pops up!)  Our local group even organized a Memorial Day event, making one rock for every person named at our Veteran’s Memorial.  It was nothing but an amazing sight.  (Respectively, these rocks were given to family members of the Veterans.)

rock painting ideas

What do you do with a rock after you find it? 

There are two options: You can either keep it for your personal collection or re-hide it for the next person to find.  My children are allowed to keep 3 rocks at any point, then they have to decide which ones they want to put back out there.  (Don’t knock it.  It works and I don’t have random rocks hanging out in the living room or my dryer!)


15 Rock Painting Ideas  

  1. Pokemon Go Rocks  
  2. Ladybug Rocks  
  3. Vintage Camper Painted Rocks
  4. Glow In The Dark Kindness Rocks
  5. Monster and Halloween Rocks
  6. Rock Cactus Plants
  7. Pet Rocks
  8. Storybook Stones
  9. Painted Feather Rocks
  10. Bunny Rock Painting
  11. Rock Painting in Gold and Silver
  12. Rock Painting Circles and Kawaii Faces
  13. Scratch Art Rock Paintings
  14. Painted Rock Ideas
  15. Tic Tac Toe Rocks



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