It has been snowing for a few hours here in the Dallas area.  The news said to expect 1-3 inches, though I am pretty sure we’re up to 4 inches now!  I checked my children out of school so we can enjoy this rare sight as a family.  The agenda for the day includes snowmen, snow ball fights and of course, snow ice cream!

snow ice cream

If you’re never made snow ice cream before, it is so easy and delicious.  It takes 4 simple ingredients (that I’m sure are already in your kitchen) and about 5 minutes of your time.

If you know it’s going to snow, just set a clean bowl outside to collect the main ingredient.  If not, you will want to scoop some of the top layer of snow from the ground.  (Watch out for that yellow snow they always mention, though.)  You will also need sugar, milk, salt and vanilla.  (See full recipe below.)

Whisk those last 4 ingredients in a separate bowl then add to the snow, mixing as you go.  This will melt fast, but you can keep adding snow until it’s the right consistency.  You want fluffy and scoopable ice cream, not runny liquid.


  • 1 cup milk (any kind will do)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 8 cups clean snow or shaved ice (more or less depending on the density of the snow)
  • optional (but strongly suggested) topping: sprinkles!!!


In a large bowl, whisk the milk, sugar, vanilla and salt together until combined. Gather the fresh snow and immediately stir it into the milk mixture until you reach your desired consistency. Top with sprinkles, if desired.

*Consume fresh snow at your own risk.


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