Take it from me and don’t let this be you on February 11… searching for ways to make a toilet Valentine box!
(Reposted as I looked back on the Valentine festivities of years past.  At midnight the night it was due at school.)

valentines day box ideas

Today I received a reminder from our class.  I have to turn in a Valentine Box to collect my child’s valentines in at the class party.  Trust me when I say I have little time for this.  I have to make 22 Valentines to hand out AND a decorate a box?  Do you think a Target bag would suffice?  Or at the least, can I turn in a brown paper bag with my daughter’s name?

A decorated box means two things: I have to get creative on a whim and I need to go to the store to purchase shoes just for the box.  (Yes, I had to do that today.) 

I like to get creative, don’t get me wrong, but to me, Valentine’s treats come first.  I haven’t even thought of my daughter’s handout this year.  (The party is tomorrow at 2.  I have time.)  Or so I thought.  As I type this, I realize the Room Parent is asking for the Valentines to be turned in tomorrow morning so they can be handed out before said party.  Lovely.  I don’t have time.  Thankfully I have these boy Valentines that are complete. 

As I rummaged through my craft supplies, I remember making a Toilet Valentine Box and a Valentine Monster Box for my son a few years ago, so we went with that – changing a few things to make it suitable for a girl.  It was so easy to gather items for decorating, and in less than 30 minutes, we had a Valentine’s Day box.

*NOTE: Keep this box so you can reuse it each year!

Valentine Box Ideas     valentine box ideas

This monster was made by painting the box, cutting a square hole, then adding a strip of paper teeth to the inside.  My daughter glued on two wiggly eyes and a nose before we cut up a stuffed animal for hair.  (Don’t judge. It worked, ha!)

valentine box ideas

This Flushing Toilet Valentine Box can be found on Today’s Fabulous Finds

valentine box ideas

Our Unexpected Journey shares this idea for a Big Lip Valentine Box – which also has other cute ideas!


valentine box ideas

Directions for this Despicable Me Minion Valentine Box can be found on Instructables


I’ve also spotted these adorable Valentine’s Day boxes at our school:

Valentine Box

Valentine Box

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